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Creativity and Entrepreneurship Go Together

The Bachelor of Music with Business Concentration combines training in musicianship, entrepreneurship, and creativity. You’ll get the outstanding musical training that UNC’s School of Music has built its reputation on, while honing business skills to support your career in the music industry.

UNC’s bachelor of music business degree provides unique advantages for students who want to integrate performance training with marketing savvy and professional development. You’ll get mentorship and guidance from dedicated faculty who have built successful music careers and understand the music industry. Our state-of-the-art Music Technology Center supports studio-quality recording, software development and a wide range of marketing projects. You will have opportunities to gain real-world experience in the vibrant Colorado arts community.

Degree Option

B.M. in Music: Business Concentration

The Bachelor of Music with Business Concentration is built around the idea that you can combine outstanding musicianship with business acumen to create a career in the arts. You’ll work with regular music faculty and have the opportunity to perform in the same ensembles as non-business music students. This degree emphasis includes courses in accounting, finance and entrepreneurship, with a focus on industry-specific subjects such as copyright, music publishing, artistic management, touring, promotion and music technology. The degree culminates with a one-semester business internship with a music-related company or nonprofit organization.

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Beyond the Classroom

The music business degree includes a one-semester internship with a music-related organization, providing you with real-world experience to strengthen your resume. You can gain additional hands-on training in the Music Technology Center, a state-of-the-art recording facility that includes studios for a wide range of projects. UNC’s Montfort College of Business offers further opportunities to extend your education beyond the classroom.

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